Time : November 20th,2015 / Author : xiaomeixw
PickView --- (From brucetoo) : Date and Province WheelView like IOS. [仿ios滚轮].
androidWheelView --- (From weidongjian) : A Customer WheelView like IOS from chifang.apk. [反编译吃饭apk的仿ios滚轮].
Android-PickerView --- (From saiwu-bigkoo) : A Customer WheelView like IOS. [仿ios滚轮].
WheelIndicatorView --- (From dlazaro66) : A 'Google Fit' like activity indicator for Android. [仿Google Fit的加载圆效果].
Android-Wheel-Menu --- (From anupcowkur) : Simple and easy to use circular menu widget for Android. [滚轮盘].
AndroidWheel --- (From sephiroth74) : Custom wheel widget for android. [刻盘表].
WheelView --- (From helloJp) : WheelView TimePicker CityPicker like ios. [仿ios滚轮wheelview].
Provinces-Picker-wheel --- (From ywenblocker) : an android province city and area picker demo uses android-wheel. [仿ios滚轮wheelview].
PickView --- (From brucetoo) : Date and Province WheelView like IOS. [仿ios滚轮wheelview].
MaterialCircleProgressBar --- (From TakeoffAndroid) : Material Circular progress bar loader similar to SwipeRefreshLayout. [类SwipeRefreshLayout加载].
EZWebView --- (From jjhesk) : A mini elegant webview for fast easy access. Fixed most asked questions and issues from the native android mechanism. [进化原生webview].
OriginBlog --- (From worthed & Tag is Design Patterns) : OriginBlog is Design Patterns code demo. [java23种设计模式总结示例].
Android-Download-Manager-Pro --- (From majidgolshadi & Tag is Download) : Android/Java download manager library help you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks. [高效下载].
// initialize object completely before getting any reports
DownloadManagerPro dm = new DownloadManagerPro(Context);
//use these methods
public ReportStructure singleDownloadStatus(int token);
public List<ReportStructure> downloadTasksInSameState(int state);
public List<ReportStructure> lastCompletedDownloads();
public boolean unNotifiedChecked();
public boolean delete(int token, boolean deleteTaskFile);
android-utils --- (From jingle1267) : It contains most of the Android utility classes. [AndroidUtil帮助类].
- data-binding --- (From Author StylingAndroid blog --- [Source in Github]
<img src="" width="100px" height="100px" align="left" hspace="15px" />
At Google I/O 2015 a number of new Android libraries and tools were announced. One of them was the all new Data Binding library and in this series we’ll take a look at the library and explore some of the powerful features it provides.
Before we begin it is worth pointing out that, at the time of writing, the Data Binding library is still in beta so some of the API calls may change before the full release.
The Data Binding library provides a mechanism for linking the data which will be displayed within our layouts to some kind of back-und data source. For this example code we’re going to put together a very simple Twitter client and use the Data Binding library to the data coming from the Twitter API. I’m not going to provide a tutorial on the Twitter API, or the basic app design – it retrieves the last 50 items from your home timeline using the Twitter4J library and displays them within a RecyclerView. All of the code is published – so feel free to browse it to understand this side of the app. The part that is of interest for this series of articles is the data and how it gets bound to Views.
[Translation:探索Google数据绑定(Data Binding)-MVVP].
Chinese Translation Address : [Thanks To android-tech-frontier](
<img src="" width="90%">
stylingandroid --- (Build By Mark Allsion) :A wonderful Website! A technical guide to improving the UI and UX of Android apps. [专注于Android UI和UX最新技术介绍的博客网站].